
When we imagine how long it takes to do something, we plan based on how long it should take when everything goes RIGHT.

We often forget to consider all the distractions and delays, the interruptions and the unexpected time-consuming tasks we don’t know about.  It’s human nature.  We UNDERESTIMATE how much time we need to complete something.

But when you’re planning a wedding, this mistake can be deadly.

Amanda was a bride and a professional photographer.  She planned her wedding for June…her busiest time of the year.  She had months to plan and figured she would have more than enough time for everything.

Unfortunately for Amanda, she DIDN’T have time.  Her photography business was booming.  She was shooting weddings right up until her own wedding date.

Amanda had planned to send invitations to her B list…but she never found the time.

“I regret not having more people at my wedding,” she said sadly.  “It would have been so much more fun.”

Rebecca allowed herself eight months to plan her wedding.  She was a human resources manager who knew how to manage her time.  Eight months seemed like more than enough.

It wasn’t.

Rebecca felt rushed to book by vendors who insisted she had to book NOW or risk losing her first choice.  In hindsight, she would have allowed at least a year to plan everything so that she could enjoy it.

Allowing MORE time is always better than LESS.